Definition of House party

1. Noun. A party lasting over one or more nights at a large house.

Generic synonyms: Party

Definition of House party

1. Noun. A social gathering at someone's house. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of House Party

house of accommodation
house of cards
house of correction
house of detention
house of ill repute
house of prayer
house of worship
house officer
house organ
house organs
house paint
house painter
house painting
house parties
house party
house physician
house plant
house plants
house points
house poor
house proud
house rat
house rats
house rule
house rules
house servant
house sitter
house snake
house sparrow

Literary usage of House party

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Parody Anthology by Carolyn Wells (1904)
"THE POETS AT A HOUSE-PARTY (y/ modern mortal having inadvertently stumbled in upon a house-party of poets given on Mount Olympus, ..."

2. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by H.W. Wilson Company (1913)
"Feeding the week-end house party. Ladies' II 43. J. 3U: 48. Ag. '13. Good things for the Thanksgiving-day table See aleo Ammonia. Alkaloids. ..."

3. The Cambridge Modern History by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton Acton, Adolphus William Ward, George Walter Prothero, Stanley Mordaunt Leathes, Ernest Alfred Benians (1907)
"But it is clear that the Commonwealth men in the army were at one with the Grandees (the Wallingford house party) in desiring to put an end to a Parliament ..."

4. Oceana, Or, England and Her Colonies by James Anthony Froude (1887)
"Landing at Melbourne—First impression of the city—Sir Henry Loch —Government House—Party assembled there—Agitation about New Guinea—The Monroe doctrine in ..."

5. Palmer's Index to "The Times" Newspaper (1873)
"Goodwood, house party at Goodwood Home, 30 j 7 / Great Sailing Barge Match for .... house party ..."

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